About Me

About Me

My full name is Sisca Seyedi, just call Chika or Ikha. I was born on January 23, 1993, in Gorontalo City. I am youngest of four children.
My address in village of Northern Isimu, Gorontalo District.

I am graduate from SMA N. Tibawa, Gorontalo district.
I am a student of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Tarbiyah and Ilmu Keguruan (Teacher-ship) Faculty, English Education Majors.

I want a happy family, especially my dad and mom. And I also want to provide the best for the Indonesia Nation, even for the world and the hereafter. Insya Allah, Amin... :) :)
I most liked to read books that accompanied the picture. I like listening to music, especially west song. Beside that, I really like adventure.
The most boring thing for me is to wait (when it will go) and the thing that I hate is shouted. :/ :/ :/ :/

My favorite food is soup and my favorite drink is sweet tea. :)
And I like green color. :) :) :) :)

Contact Me
  • Email: sisca.seyedi@gmail.com

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