Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Mini Research


Learning motivation is a good thing to achieve the desired learning outcomes, where the motivation is a power of support of the behavior or action, without motivation will arise an act such as learning. Motivation serves as the activator, it means moving a person's behavior. The measurement of motivation will determine the good or bad one's learning outcomes. The motivation has a very important role in a person.
Wodkowsky in Sugihartono suggests that motivation is a condition that causes or poses a particular behavior and that gives direction and resistance to such behavior.[1]
According to Mc. Donald, motivation is the change of energy in a person who is characterized by the emergence of "feeling and preceded by the response to the presence of the goal.
From the definition proposed by Mc.Donald contains three principal elements or characteristics in motivation, the motivation that led to a change of energy, which is marked by a feeling, and stimulated because of the goal.
Motivation will lead to a change of energy in human beings, so it will cling to the issue of psychiatric symptoms, feelings and emotions, to act or do something.
Thomas L. Good and Jere B. Braphy defines motivation as a driving force that strengthens and encourages a person to behave. It means the act of a person depends on the underlying motivation.[2]
Motivation is something that is needed to perform the activity. In the article Siti Sumarni, literally motivation is as encouragement that arise in a person consciously or unconsciously, to perform an action with a specific purpose. While in psychology, means a business that can cause a person or group of people motivated to do something because they want to achieve the goals she wants, or gets satisfaction with his actions. (KBBI).
Learning plays an important role in the history of human life especially in today's modern society. learning is an activity that can determine the success or failure of a person's life in determining the next step. Everyone needs to learn without limit of time and age. In one study attempting to gain intelligence or knowledge and to also learn to change someone's behavior or response that caused the experience (KBBI).[3]
Learning is a process of improving the quality of education. M. Dalyono argued that learning is a business or activity that aims to make changes in a person include changes in behavior, attitudes, habits, knowledge, skills and so on.
Related to the above, Sardiman (in AM) said that the motivation to learn can also be interpreted as an attempt to provide a set of specific condition, so that a person is willing and wants to do something, and if he does not like, it will seek to nullify or circumvent feelings do not like it.[4]
Learning motivation is how outset means that anyone willing to learn. Because learning is a necessity. The desire to live as a man should do to learn. Learning occurs as the needs arise. This has encouraged someone needs to learn.[5]
Someone who studied with strong motivate, will implement all learning activities in earnest, passionate, or spirit. Instead, learn to be lazy weak motivation would not even do the tasks related to the lesson.
The strength of one's motivation to learn also influences its success. Because it needs to be cultivated mainly learning motivation that comes from within themselves by constantly thinking about the future full of challenges and must overcome to achieve goals. Always install determination and optimism that ideals can be achieved by learning.[6]
High motivation to learn is reflected in the persistence that is not easily broken to achieve success even though confronted by many difficulties.
In line with the above opinion, Sardiman suggested that the motivation to learn is the psychological factors that are non-intellectual. Distinctive role in the cultivation of passion are happy and eager to learn.
From the description above, it can be concluded that the overall understanding of learning motivation is the driving force both from within and from outside one (by creating a series of efforts to provide specific conditions) that guarantee the continuity and provide direction to the learning activities, so that the objective desired by the study subjects can be achieved. With the motivation, one can have a driving force to learn so that they can have a better performance.
Motivation to learn can be divided into two, namely:
1)  Intrinsic motivation is the case and the circumstances that come from within a person who can perform actions prompted him to learn.
2)  Extrinsic motivation is derived from state and outward action that could encourage learning.
            According to Judge, the external factors include family environmental factors, environmental factors society, and the time factor.[7]
            In this study, the external factors that can affect a person's motivation to learn, namely: daily activities, transect (distance) with a residence studying, learning environment (campus), season and kinship (family).
            Daily activities will affect a person's motivation to learn, because the activities of daily living is a description of how a person lived his life.
            According Luekenotte, everyday activities are all activities that we do every day. This activity is done not through effort or endeavor. These activities may include bathing, dressing, eating, or doing mobilization.
            Daily activities are intimately associated with time, where time is critical for our lives. Some people consider that the activities of daily living is not something that is important and does not affect anything. Though they do not realized that everyday activities can impact on learning motivation. So the main issue in this problem are:
1)    How to take advantage of the time our daily activities well.
2)    How daily activities can affect the motivation of our study.
3)    How to make day-to-day activities we got better and regular.
In addition to daily activities, there are other factors that can affect a person's motivation to learn, which is the environment.
According to Sartain (an American psychologist), as quoted by M. Ngalim Purwanto that is the environment (environment) are all conditions in this world are certain ways affects our behavior, growth, development or life processes we except the genes -genes. Even genes is also seen as preparing the environment (to provide environment) for other genes.
While according Zakiyah Daradjat et al: in the broadest sense includes climatic environment, housing, customs, knowledge, education and nature. In other words, the environment is everything that is visible and there is the ever-evolving nature of life.
In this study, the intended environment factor is family. Family is the main factor that gives important influence on a person's motivation to learn.
The motivation of my family is very influential toward learning success of their children. A lot of time and opportunity for children to meet and interact with the family. Encounter and interaction is very large effect on children's behavior and achievement. Along with the changing times, in fact often do not feel tired there is a shift in the function of the role of parents their child's education. Most parents hand over their children's education entirely on schools or other learning. In fact, parents should pay attention and learn more so that the spirit can be the motivation for a child to learn a lot more time at home than at school / college. Parental involvement in the learning motivation necessary to arrange, either in the form of attention guidance to the child at home or excel individually and collectively to the school / college and its activities, as well as attention to the difficulties experienced by children in the learning process.
Parents are as opening the possibility of implementation of education for their children and for their role as teachers. Parents are able to educate well, able to communicate well, attentive to the children, know the needs and difficulties faced by children and is able to create a good relationship with his children will greatly affect a child's desire to learn or otherwise.
Research conducted by Benjamin Bloom to a number of young professionals (28 years to 35 years) who succeeded in her career as an expert in the various fields of mathematics, neurology, pianist, and if the athletes, showing the same characteristics, namely the involvement of their parents. They show the direct involvement of parents in children's learning, they saw a boost parents is paramount in directing their destination.[8] So, the main issue in this problem is:
1)    How can family motivate their children?
2)    What is the child to his parents?
Then the other environmental factors that can affect a person's motivation to learn is an environment where he is studying (college). The campus is an environment where students undergo a process of learning and doing activities.
Healthy environmental conditions also influence the motivation to learn. Physical environment characteristics learning, affordability and availability of human and material resources can affect a person's level of motivation and environment may also establish or reduce the acceptance condition of learning. Environment that is safe, comfortable and can be adjusted itself to foster the urge to learn. Instead a less pleasant environment such as noise, clutter and lack of privacy can interfere with the capacity to concentrate and cultivate a desire not to learn.[9]
Campus environment that is conducive to improving student learning motivation in order to enhance their learning achievement. Conducive campus environment that includes good relationships among students and between students and faculty relationships, physical environment such as class size, the air temperature inside the classroom, noise control, cleanliness of the campus. Conducive campus environment may affect the achievement of students. Unhealthy environment will make students feel stressed and ultimately lower the students' learning motivation. Based on the above, the problem is studied, namely:
1)    What is the attitude of lecturers to motivate students?
2)    What is the attitude of students to motivate their self?
3)    How does the campus organizer action on the environment is not conducive?
Transect from dormitory to the campus is also an environmental factor that can affect the motivation to learn.
According to Indonesian dictionary in question is the distance between the spaces that shows the extent of the length between one points to another.[10]
Based on observations, a person who lived far from campus, there is always coming in late. The reason the delay is affected by the means used to cover the distance to campus, generally means used to cover the distance to the campus using bentor, motorcycles, and on foot. If the power tool is an obstacle for the travel distance, the distance can interfere residence student learning. Thus far proximity can affect the person's condition, especially in learning achievement.
Related to the above, it becomes important motivation to help themselves, which we should be able to push their own accord in order to set the time and make the best possible, so that we would think that the distance of the travel that far is not a reason for us to come late to campus.
In addition to several environmental factors described above, other factors that influence on a person's learning motivation, that season.
Season a specific time that DNG related climatic conditions, number of time (three months, four months, and so when the fruit trees, crops, etc. produced many, that is the time period (when there is an event, time or period when something (activity, games, etc.) or often lasts much going on.[11]
Season can affect various aspects of human life. Such as motivation for someone to do something. The motivation for someone to do something very affecting in the process of doing so. One of them is the motivation to learn. Season can affect a person's motivation to learn because, the season will affect the communities in which we as a society will eventually also be affected by it.
Motivation to learn that will support the learning process is good also. So the main issues in this problem are:
1)    How the season can affect motivation to learn?
2)    How does one's attitude so as not to be affected by the season?

The problem statements in this research are:
1.   Is the daily activities can influence someone’s learning motivation?
2.   Is the kinship can influence someone’s learning motivation?
3.   Is the campus environment can influence someone’s learning motivation?
4.   Is the transect from dormitory to the campus can influence someone’s learning motivation?
5.   Is the season can influence someone’s learning motivation?

1.    Daily Activities

The sample for daily activities in this research is me and my cousins. We have similar activities. We are sleep and get up almost at the same time. The different activities is just in the time when we play and study
2.    Transect from Dormitory to Campus

The transect is from Dormitory (Ma’had Fatimah) to Campus
The things that can you find are:
ü  Micro teaching and library building on the left side
ü  Interjection
ü  Aula building
ü  Trash place at the back of campus building
ü  Campus PBI building ant the right side.

3.    Campus Environment
The things that can we find are:
ü  Security post
ü  Campus building (PBA/PBI and Tafsir Hadis building)
ü  Trash place behind the campus building
ü  Aula building
ü  Rectorate building
ü  Girls dorm I
ü  Micro teaching 
ü  Library building
ü  Boys dorm
ü  Football  field
ü  Mosque
ü  Girls dorm II
ü  Much tree

4.    Season
                                  In this picture, there are 15 season

5.    Kinship
                    The kinship in this picture is writer's kinship

Based on the discussion above, the writer can make some conclusion as follows:
1.    Daily Activities
            Daily activities can influence someone's learning motivation. It views from the comparison three cycle above. When someone can manage the time and activity very well, it can improve their education quality.

2.    Transect From Dormitory to Campus
Transect from boarding house to the campus can influence someone's learning motivation, it views from the distance and some factor that happen on the way. when the distance is near and the researcher can manage their emotional to facing the problem on the way it can improve their emotional in learning process as result, can improve their education quality

3.    Campus Environment
Campus environment can influence someone's learning motivation. The better and more environmentally friendly campus community around the campus, the quality of learning, the better. But when the environment of campus is bad, less facilities and bad society, the quality of education become bad

4.    Seasons
The seasons can influence learning motivation. It views from the seasons that happen on the society. All season just need manage. When they can manage it very well.

5.    Kinship
The kinship can influence someone's learning motivation. When a student from the kinship of community that have good education, it can influence their children become a person that has good quality of education.

1.    Daily Activities
ü Manage time well
ü Utilize time in the best possible
ü Do something that have benefit in activities

2.    Transect from Dormitory to Campus
ü  prepare before heading off to college in order not to be late

3.    Campus Environment
ü  Use the facilities of the campus well

4.    Season
ü  Don’t be easily influenced by the things that can harm ourselves

5.    Kinship
ü  Always ask for the motivation of the family


http// tinggal-terhadap_16.html


Siska Seyedi

ü The only one institute of Islamic studies in Gorontalo,
ü System administration use internet access media

ü The lack of classroom for learning
ü The lack of transportation
ü The lack of book in the library

ü Have a large area
ü Good place for study

The institute should build a public building

ü The institute should make a station for transportation
ü Build some classroom
ü Adding the textbook in the library

lack of security, so that makes some people do things that are not good

Adding the security to take care of the student in campus two


Campus 2 will not grow as we expect together


About Writer

My name is Sisca Seyedi, just call Chika or Ikha. I was born on January 23, 1993, in Gorontalo City. I am youngest of four children.
My address in village of Northern Isimu, Gorontalo District.

I am graduate from SMA N. Tibawa, Gorontalo district.
I am a student of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Tarbiyah and Ilmu Keguruan (Teacher-ship) Faculty, English Education Majors.

I want a happy family, especially my dad and mom. And I also want to provide the best for the Indonesia Nation, even for the world and the hereafter. Insya Allah, Amin... :) :)
I most liked to read books that accompanied the picture. I like listening to music, especially west song. Beside that, I really like adventure.
The most boring thing for me is to wait (when it will go) and the thing that I hate is shouted. :/ :/ :/ :/

My favorite food is soup and my favorite drink is sweet tea. :)
And I like green color. :) :) :) :)

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